Saturday, July 9, 2016

Human Rights and the obligation to exist

Human Rights seem to implicitly recognize that it goes without saying that we can impose on someone to exist. Why would it be normal for the intelligence that we claim to be, and according to the moral that we have invented throughout the world?

These Rights therefore admit that fabrication of an intelligent human, sensitive, conscious, invariably suffering, and mortal undoubtedly, can be triggered by a couple of humans without social control, whereas it is the first and most important social act.

Once triggered by a voluntary act (copulation), this being will be built blind in the female uterus (a laboratory of Frankenstein type), which produces about anything (see teratology, stillbirth, etc. ) with huge risks for the fabricated person (endangering the lives of others leading to suffering and death, which is thus a crime according to the definition).

This, only for the service (slavery) of the existing one, and certainly not for it as it does not exist. And, incidentally, endangering the life of the woman who conceives that person (after a possible patriarchal rape), what love!

After the birth went well or bad, the child will have to live in an unhealthy world, morbid, warlike, and then the adult, if it reaches the age, will have to buy its body daily in fighting its way with elbows, or sometimes with weapons, in the multitude.

Which difference is there between the attempt at manufacturing an existence in a laboratory by an unspecified scientist (Doctor Frankenstein, for example) and the manufacturing of an existence launched in blind in the uterine laboratory of an unremarkable woman without any control of the process nor no precise follow-up of the manufacturing process?

The billions of known results of this manufacturing show well that it is always a question of a random manufacturing, really like an experimental work, a true laboratory of Life, a Life conceived like Frankenstein which worries little about the feelings and sufferings of manufactured beings.

Most people are not even aware that they had been forced to exist, and therefore had rights, the right to claim a healthy body, a healthy mind, a healthy world, healthy society, an interesting life, to say the least.

The right to reproductive freedom, the right to be free to impose the existence, the right to be free of making a life in blind in the female uterus, therefore the freedom to impose suffering and death, as well as all intermediaries we collect in hospitals,
and other multiple bellicose results of repulsion of living that we see daily in these filthy TV news. But why to impose us to exist in an unhealthy world?

Are our parents and their associates thus blind? Don't they support themselves this vision of the world?

Procreation, i.e. the blind manufacturing of an existence in the female uterus, is an animal principle, a simple mechanism which produces the perenniality of life. But the life evolved to equip the animals which we are of an intellect which made it possible to invent morals, then the Human rights.

In all honesty, it should be recognized that we all are in the obligation to exist and the obligation to die (without speaking of the impossibility of not suffering, i.e. obligation to suffer), it is thus necessary to register these essential components for the Life of the Human rights.

All the powers of an individual on another must be controlled. The first social power, and moreover the most important, being the manufacturing of existence, it must be controlled imperatively.

What right an intelligent, aware, and sensitive being, has he to inflict life to an intelligent, aware, and sensitive? What right an intelligent, aware, and sensitive being, has he to inflict suffering, disability and death to an intelligent, aware, and sensitive being?

How to indemnify and compensate a handicap of birth? Life is a handicap race, but for us humans, since we are born free and equal in rights, how the society compensates for birth defects that are imposed on life?

How can one reconcile the Human rights and the procreation of existence, knowing that it serves only those which already exist, as well as the fact that nobody controls this blind manufacturing in the female uterus, which on Earth inevitably causes, daily, very many handicaps, suffering, ill-being, misery, death, etc.

How can one impose on a significant percentage of people, who are born that day, to be immediately disabled, and live in unhealthy conditions or even dreadful?

Why Rights defenders of the human being were not seized themselves of this problem of birth conditions, whereas that life is absurd and nevertheless imposed only to serve the existing ones?

One cannot deny it, we are constrained to exist. Our parents manufacture our existences without our agreement, it is an undeniable fact, and it is impossible that humanity exists differently than by this continuity, therefore, this parental dictate. But nobody, however, is constrained to procreate according to the Human rights (rape is a crime everywhere on Earth).

If we exist, it is because a woman, our mother, manufactured our existence, theoretically according to its will, and freely. This constraint should necessarily be registered in the Human rights, since it is an absolute power and that, like any power on an innocent person, it must be controlled.

It is too easy to launch the manufacturing of existence, and then wash its hands.

The society representatives are complicit in this state of the human world, and the conditions of life in general on the planet, for us humans, and for all life that suffers the consequences of our smelly and dictatorial impact on the world.

I suppose you claim for yourself the Human rights? And you think that you have the right to force somebody to live where you wish it, simply because you have an immense power on him, whereas you cannot even ensure him a healthy body and a healthy life, in a healthy environment?

If you have the power to impose someone, someone who hasn't done anything to you, to live where you want, with a feeble body, do I have the right to make you live in an igloo, a desert , a slum, a favela, a jungle, a trash can, a polluted planet?

How much have you fabricated small slaves, infants first, then job flesh, tax flesh, and cannon fodder, to accompany you until retirement (that I wish you without Parkinson or Alzheimer) and lead you to your last home?

And of course, you will not see them nor will not endure them, when they are elderly, and perhaps with their filthy diseases of this age. But since they (dad and mom) have made you the blow, why wouldn't have you the right to do likewise, haven't they?

Law is a concept created by humans from the Power they have in the world, on the others, and themselves. The Human Rights assert that "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights."

Since we are born equal in rights according to this first article, which means that we must be born equal in powers, since it cannot go without the other. However that is impossible, as the body which is given to us at birth is a lottery.

What say the Human rights to prohibit or at least compensate these de facto inequalities? Is it worthy to be born handicapped and mocked all its life due to this handicap granted free and shamelessly by mom?

And how a being who possesses an intellect far below the average can he hope (otherwise than playing the lottery) to become a billionaire and climb the social ladder?

Since our existences are made without our consent, since we are forced to accept the social contract, without the signature of our part, with open threats, we must be compensated to exist.

"The creation of an existence serves only those that already exist, and when it is not mastered this creation is the work of an animal or an idiot or that of a slaver or a sadist . "

Given that it is completely immoral and amoral to put somebody in the world according to this truism, how and why do you think that children can understand social morality, and Human rights? When "intelligence" exists, it acts to facilitate its own existence, it does all that is useful for him, that seems normal.

But why a conscious and sentient existence should it impose the risks of existence to another person "intelligent" and sensitive? This is, necessarily, for its own utility that existing person wants to generate another existence.

Is it not contrary to the human rights to enslave another person for its personal needs? Of the 350 000 people who will be born today, what percentage is going to have a physical or mental defect? That is, however, a prenatal ill-treatment not punished by society. Why ? Because it is a natural event...!

What difference does it make for the person who undergoes it, whereas there was no valid reason to put it at the world?

Anyway, even if you do not want to give up the procreation of an entity which will live an absurd life, and very risky for itself, but for your only pleasure, whereas at its majority you will tell him that it will have to make its life by itself,
anyway, therefore, you must admit all the same that this entity did not wish to exist, and that the Rights that you agree for you must be valid for this entity forced to exist for your service which is a strange service of accompaniment and maintenance of the society,
society that the person created can also leave at will to live in another, or even commit suicide.

Is it not the height of the absurd, the strange, the paradoxical, for a being who claims itself intelligent and able to understand the universe?

That is to me, a few things to add to leading articles of Human Rights:
1) The beginning of life, which is an obligation to exist (so servitude).
2) The end of life, which is the impossibility not to die, so an obligation to die.
3) The impossibility of not suffering, so the obligatory of suffering to exist.
4) Indemnify and compensate disabled people (?)
5) Free explanation, with arguments, scientific, accurate of what is the thought, the matter, the universe (and humans), with constant updating of that understanding accessible to all.

If there was only one question that all those, who wish to manufacture a new life, were to ask themselves, it should be this one:
"Now that I have made a suffering being, how to undo suffering? "

Dead end
E. Berlherm (July 2016)