Sunday, June 12, 2016

Freedom to procreate and the obligation to exist

You have been, yourself, obliged to exist. Does this obligatory life gives you the right to compel someone else to exist?

To procreate, it is to make in blind an existence. This existence gains his body and intellect in the lottery, and there are other raffles for parents, culture, society, the era, the environment, education, suffering, misery, and so on. But not for death, it is mandatory, no lottery.

To procreate, it is to manufacture an existence for its service, its personal service, that of the manufacturer.

You dare make a life because you know from experience, thus for thousands, even millions of years, that the manufactured person will not even have the presence of mind to curse at you, to exist, even if it lives in horrible conditions of body and environment.

In fact more the conditions of existence are terrible, least she will have the opportunity and especially the elements of reflection for claiming.

Your hold over that person, your child, is such that you can be assured to almost one hundred percent that it will do you no remarks throughout your life. It's very easy for you since you nourish the child, and make him believe insidiously that it is indebted to you that you are so thoughtful with him.

Rather easy to achieve this indoctrination, since we are born virgin of cultural meaning. You indoctrinate, as you have been indoctrinated, unknowingly, foolishly.

The society, through culture, has almost all bridled, clogged all the breaches to call into question the production of absurd existences, without mastery, and no other reason than the sustainability of its existence absurd, even more absurd that it is constantly evolving, this misty society, and is thus never the same one.

The manufactured people, newcomers in social life, are led to the death in an almost perfectly oiled routine. The society has gradually placed, during millennia, safeguards, prohibiting its questioning, and it continues to finick them. Most of us were deceived until their last breath.

All the religious tales or ideological fairy tales are there to help you to fool this poor innocent which did not require to exist, but will have to exist for the parental and social service. If one leaves him time to think, because, to enter in society, it is necessary to be specialized, which requires a keen work. You had better to live passionately, they sing.

You want to be free to use your body as you wish. And you want to be free to procreate because it is part of the opportunities that Mother Nature has offered to you.

She even gave you, Mother Nature, the ability to make hundreds of thousands of people, because you have the necessary ovules. And all those people who are not you, you would call them my children. To say "my child", it's convenient, it gives you the impression to have owner rights.

Thus you want to be completely free to impose, “free to impose” Life to a person! Don't you notice an unquestionable contradiction?
This contradiction does not stop there.

You have absolutely no control on uterine work, the work your belly, when it manufactures in blind (in an even more sadistic manner than Dr. Frankenstein, which he, however, was remorseful after the first try) so when your uterus manufactures in blind your child or children, since it can generate twins or septuplets without you ask him.

It may also engage in the manufacture of handicapped, this is very usual for him, it must be a kind of joke on its part, human teratology offers an imposing catalogue.

Your freedom stops where that of the uterus starts, who is not at your orders. “Your” uterus is a maverick, a great funny one.

So your dear little handicapped, this dear child, will now be a man or a free woman, with the same freedom as you, but not before adulthood and if given the emancipation, out of your tutoring, depending on the disability.

These are the Rights of the human being who praise it, and our laws, coming from those same rights. He is free to run without legs, free to strum without hands, free to chat speechless, free to be a Nobel Prize without intellect or simply a teacher with an IQ of 60, free to compete at Miss Universe microcephalic ... So wills the law.

Who are we kidding? Who are you mocking? What are we free if we do not have adequate assets? Does your freedom to procreate give you the right not to give the same advantages to another person (your child)?

Does your freedom to procreate give you the right to deprive one or more people of these freedoms which you have, and to which you hold more than all? Moreover, is this you or this other person who decides the quality of assets and types of freedoms necessary to a life imposed without agreement, without contract, without precautions?

Each one would he not want, should he not, at least, exist by having same freedoms as the others, since we all have been constrained to exist to serve mom, dad, and the society?

If this is true for oneself, then how can one take the risk not to grant this freedom to the being which one wishes to manufacture, but that one will manufacture in blind, with immense risks on the back of that which does not have any means of refusing to exist?

How a being manufactured with physical or mental defects, it has obviously not desired, could he have the same freedoms as other humans, called normal?

How could he register for a marathon if he has no leg, or if his heart is weak? How could he join the army if he is not declared fit? How could he register, simply, to university if he is mentally defective?

To procreate, or rather manufactures in blind an existence, it's easy, all the bisexual animals do it without asking any question.

It appears normal to use our body to our suitability, but those who exist are alone to decide for those who do not exist, and it is well-known that our freedom is limited by that of the others, which may be called freedom with social limitations and constraints.

Does the freedom to create a life is a freedom, since the being created has no right to give his opinion, and that precisely the freedom of some ends where starts the freedom of others?

Mesdames, you have certainly the freedom of your body, but the child who is born from your body is not your body. It is a product of your body, but he is not you. It is an entity as you whom you produce. Your freedom stops where that of the others starts (with equality), and your child is another.

You cannot produce a child if it restricts the freedom of others, and yours besides, since it takes up space, air, food that are common property.

Bringing a child into the world is not a natural “right”, it is a natural “power”, as to use its muscles to move, and, since it is a power, it must be controlled. To make a child, it is to make a person, it is to add an associate to the nation, associate of which the others will have to take account (life, education, health, dead).

The power to make a child should be managed democratically by the entire nation. Make a child is first a risk to the child himself (and secondarily for the woman who will give birth), what right do you push someone to take risks?

The Human rights do not acknowledge the right to make a child, since it is not a freedom for the child.

If you think your freedom is important, and that another may not have more power over you than you have over him, then you must admit than to procreate is not freedom, but a power that you have on another individual, whom you will call your child, but that is another person, he is not you nor a reproduction of you.

You must know that the creation of an existence serves only those that already exist, and if you put that child in the world, you do that for you, in not any case he has asked to be born.

You want to create this existence whereas that you do not control the procreative process, you have no idea what will come out of your belly, you risk the life of a person for your personal needs, the desire to procreate, that of belonging to the society, provide an heir, pamper, etc.

Your body belongs to you madam, and you think it allows you to create as many lives as you want without any restrictions, only your personal desire. Well, Madam, your freedom stops where begins that of the other, and your child is another.

You probably prefer to create a Hitler rather than an Elephantman, but you do not have any choice, you play the lottery on the head of a person, it is normal that it falls back on your head with violence.

And yet when your child goes to prison, society does not punish you, why? Because if it was punishing the parents she would have to go further and ought to punish itself.

There is a solution to all this chaos, this profusion of idiocy and sadism, it is to admit what we are, and correct the whole according to what we are. Yet should we seek to know the real and most truthfully!

Did you only think, Madam, at least, i.e. to draw up a natal contract with the Society before creating your child, or simply to ensure it, as an actress ensures her legs? So that he lives well, under good conditions, and that he does not go to jail if you flunk yourselves. And especially, ultimate misery, if your child, this person, is born with a physical or mental tare…!

This is not to parents or society to judge the quality of the body and the intellect of the person they wish to create. This is not to them to judge that the risks incurred are harmless, or simple collateral damage, and that it is an eligible risk for parental and social service.

This person who is about to exist has the right to have the best in all the fields. Are you certain, Madame, to be able to grant him what it merit, what it wishes, which is not what you think?

If there was only one question that all those, who wish to manufacture a new life, were to ask themselves, it should be this one:
"Now that I have made a suffering being, how to undo suffering? "

Dead end
E. Berlherm (May 2016)